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支招小作文(164) I 静态表 美国三个州的人口、平均收入、贫困率对比

发布时间:2023-11-10 09:40:19 |   阅读量:7382  |  文章来源:电竞竞猜官网,lol正规押注平台,电竞比赛竞猜平台

November 9,支招州 2023

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 11/ 7] The人口 table displays the proportion of two groups of people, average income and proportion of the poverty population in the US in 2002.





The table compares the figure for people aged under 18 and over 65 in Utah, Florida and California, as well as the average income and population in poverty in 2002.


It is clear thatamong the three states, Utah was the only one where senior citizens outnumbered the under-18s. Californian people had the highest average income,andmore people in Utah lived in poverty than other two states.


- 只有Utah的65岁以上人口>18岁以下人口

- California的average income最高,Utah的平均贫困贫困率最高

【Body 1】

Californiahad the largest proportion ofpeople who were younger than 18(30%),followed by the figure inFlorida(20%).Althoughonly15% of the population in Utah were under 18,this statehad the highest percentage ofpeople aged older than 65.Besides, a similar figure in terms of population aged over 65could be found inFlorida and California, with roughly 18%.


- <18人口:California最高,Florida第二

- Utah18岁以下的收入人口只有15%,但是率对65以上的人口最高

- 剩下2个州的65以上人口 相似

【Body 2】

It is clear thatthe average income and the figure for population living in povertywere negatively co-related.To be more specific,we can find thatthe average income in Californiaranked the top($22,000), and only 5% of the population in this sate were in financial difficulties.By contrast, the lowest average incomewas found in Utah($18,000), and 11% of the people there were below the official poverty line.


- average income和贫困率呈现负相关的关系

- California:average income最高,贫困率仅为5%

- Utah:average income最低,支招州贫困率最高


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