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支招小作文(163) I 动态柱 澳洲六个城市的水库水位变化

发布时间:2023-11-03 10:27:27 |   阅读量:8927  |  文章来源:电竞竞猜官网,lol正规押注平台,电竞比赛竞猜平台

November 2,支招柱澳洲 2023

雅思小作文系列 | 栏目推送说明


[2023/ 10/28] The城市 chart below shows the water levels in reservations in six cities in Australia in October 2009 and October 2010.



The bar chart compares six Australian cities in terms of water levels of reservoirs in October 2009 and October 2010 .


Overall, Brisbane had the highest water level of reservoir among all the cities in both years.Also, except the water level in Sydney, the figures in all the other five cities showed a rising trend.


- Brisbane的水库水位两年都最高

- 除了Sydney,其他城市的库水水位都上升

【Body 1】

In 2009, the water level in Brisbaneranked the topamong these cities(98%),followed bythe figure in Perth(80%) and that in Melbourne(78%).By contrast, the water level in Darwinwas the lowest(36%), which was roughlyhalf ofthe figure in Gold Coast.


- Brisbane水位排第一,Perth和Melbourne分别排名第二、支招柱澳洲第三

- Darwin水位最低,小作大约是文I位变Gold Coast的一半

【Body 2】

In the subsequent year,there emerged a marginal growth by2% in the water levels of reservoirs in Brisbane, Perth and Darwin. The water levels in Melbourne and Gold Coastalsoexperienced an upward trend, with the figures rising considerably by 5%.By contrast, Sydney was the only city where the water level of reservoirdropped significantlyfrom 44% in 2009 to 40% in 2010.


- Brisbane, Perth and Darwin的水位小幅度上升

- Melbourne和Gold Coast 的水位显著上升



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