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发布时间:2023-10-30 22:56:39 |   阅读量:9452  |  文章来源:电竞竞猜官网,lol正规押注平台,电竞比赛竞猜平台

October 29,雅思 2023

雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. responsive /rɪ'spɒnsɪv/

adj. 反应迅速的;积极响应的

搭配:be responsive to 对…有回应的

e.g. The store is very responsive to the needs of its customers.

e.g. The restaurant staff was incredibly responsive to our dietary restrictions, offering personalized menu suggestions and ensuring our dining experience was both enjoyable and safe.

补充:personalized 个性化的

synonym: attentive /ə'tentɪv/

e.g. The staff is well trained in courteous and attentive service to each and every guest.

antonym: unresponsive 没有回应的;漠不关心的

e.g. The servers were unresponsive and inattentive to our requests for refills and napkin.

2. patron /'peɪtr(ə)n/

n. 主顾;顾客

e.g. A number of patrons were waiting for tables at the restaurant.

e.g. Loud noise and noisy patrons have completely disrupted the dinning experience.

syn. customer

e.g. The restaurant's attentive staff ensured that every patron/customer received a warm welcome and excellent service throughout their meal.

3. ambience /'æmbɪəns/

n. 周围环境;气氛;格调;

e.g. They used soft music and candlelight to give the restaurant a romantic ambience.

e.g. We purchase things to give our homes a personal touch and create an inviting ambience.

补充:touch n. 格调

syn. atmosphere

e.g. The bar provides a welcoming atmosphere for a relaxing drink.

4. sanitary /'sænɪt(ə)rɪ/

adj. 卫生的,干净的

e.g. His kitchen didn't look very sanitary.

e.g. The appalling sanitary conditions completely killed my appetite.

补充:appalling 极差的

Antonym: unsanitary 不卫生的

e.g. We were shocked to discover the unsanitary conditions in the kitchen, which prompted immediate action to ensure food safety.






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